Good design is invisible.

Strategic thinker crafting clean, effective designs that seamlessly blend user delight with business success.

My Design Principles


The word ‘Kaizen’ means continuous improvement. Never settle for mediocrity—There's always room to make our designs better, one iteration at a time.

Humans, not users

Good design balances between aesthetics & functionality while showing empathy towards the user's emotions, behaviours, and jobs-to-be-done.

Details, details, details

The design details of a product reflects its brand. From spacing, typography, component sizing to micro-copy, each element should be meticulously crafted.


Subtle interactions, playful animations, and creative copy—Tiny design elements like these create magical user experiences.

Case Studies

In the past 5 years, I've designed consumer-facing products, business-facing products and internal tools for brands worldwide. New case studies coming soon.


Redesigning consumer fintech app experience for 4M users.

Fave Landing Page

Increasing app installs by 600% on Fave's new landing page.


Scaling internal operations for an agri-food tech startup.

Coming soon.

All-in-one system for managing Daikin's service providers.


Designing an ordering experience for a local café.

An archive of products I’ve designed.

Effective, polished designs that convert.

From consumer-facing apps with millions of users, to web apps for businesses of all sizes—I’ve done it all. This means I can quickly adapt and efficiently solve your product’s challenges through high quality designs that leaves your users satisfied.

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